Monday, March 3, 2014

Week 9

Momma I'm sorry that I've been horrible at sending details. I'm not a writer I'm a talker - lol.

Lets see I am in the city of Grajau. Its humongus!! I can't even begin to think how many people live here. Everywhere is just homes. Bricks atop of bricks. It seems like one huge structure but there is division in it and you wouldn't even know it. Mountains of homes mom. Then the occasional palm tree or some other kind of tree. 
This week its rained pretty regularly. Most days right now are really hot and humid. When it does rain it does help till it stops and gets hot again. 

The ward.... At church during church everything is great and it is outside of it too but the people are different. Not church. But anyway... I don't even know the ``ward mission leader`` if there is one. Usually we just talk with one of the bishopric members who lives in the same complex as us. There are tons of members. This week was a little small because a ton of the youth weren't there.   I don't know for sure but I think the went up to Rio for Carnival. It's so sad to see kids here. Walking around I see kids that are 12 or 13 and they´re smoking crack and girls are pregnant at the same age.

The mission home is like 30 minutes away. We use the metro to get there. But for the most part we walk. Unless we are going to the Chapels around here for zone meetings then we use the busses. I think some drivers try to play the game of who can I make fall on the bus. Or how close can I get to the stop light before I should stop. And they jam pack everybody on the bus. During the day it isn't too bad but at night I'd rather walk the 3 miles back to the house than use the bus. I don't understand how the bus can function with that much weight in it.

Yeah packages need to be sent to my mission home. I don't even know my address. And neither do the mail services usually. The way they do the numbering of house is so idiotic. There really isn't a system other than they use numbers lol. 

My week with my investigators has been crazy!! Both good and bad and super weird.

Good- Our investigator finally came to church with his recently baptized wife and son.

Bad- After church we were walking home and caught him smoking!! I yelled out,``Marcos!!! O que voce fazendo?!?!`` What are you doing? He just looked ashamed. I told him its hard for us to not do those things that we've done for so long but if and when you ask for help and have faith that you can recieve help you will!!!! And I could say that because I know first hand!!

Weird- Our other investigator Fabio Jr.... He kind of had like an excorsist experience with him yesterday... I honestly don't know what happened. It was pretty scary for me just because I couldn't understand what the heck was going on!!! lol He stopped us and prayed like 3 times by himself on his bed and randomly started yelling at his wife saying some pretty bad stuff..
But I need to get off now. Next week I will tell you all about how the days go for us. But now I'm going to go eat...
Bye Momma!


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